Hannes Frey (U Koblenz-Landau), Herbert Werner (TU Hamburg-Harburg) |
Cooperative and Topology Control for Tightly Coupled Large-Scale Wireless Networked Autonomous Agents |
2016-2022 |
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Uwe D. Hanebeck (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie), Martina Zitterbart (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie) |
CoCPN: Cooperative Cyber Physical Networking |
2016-2020 |
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Uwe D. Hanebeck (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie), Martina Zitterbart (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie) |
CoCPN-ng – Cooperative Cyber-Physical Networking: Next Generation |
2019-2021 |
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Jörg Raisch (TU Berlin), Slawomir Stanczak (TU Berlin) |
Cooperative Consensus-based Control of Multi-agent Systems over Wireless Channels |
2016-2022 |
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Sebastian Trimpe (Max-Planck-Institut für Intelligente Systeme), Marco Zimmerling (TU Dresden) |
Event-based Wireless Control for Cyber-physical Systems |
2016-2022 |
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Frank Allgöwer (U Stuttgart), Kurt Rothermel (U Stuttgart) |
Integrated Controller Design Methods and Communication Services for Networked Control Systems (NCS) |
2015-2019 |
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Thorsten Herfet (U des Saarlandes), Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) |
Energy-, Latency and Resilience-aware Networking |
2016-2022 |
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Georg Carle (TU Muenchen) |
Measurements for Composable Performance Models of Cyber-physical Network Components |
2016-2021 |
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Olaf Stursberg (U Kassel), Gerhard Wunder (Freie U Berlin) |
Model-Predictive Cyber-Physical Networking |
2016-2022 |
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Rolf Findeisen (Otto von Guericke U Magdeburg), Holger Karl (U Paderborn), Daniel Quevedo (U Paderborn) |
Network-Informed Control - Control-Informed Network: towards multi techNology dynamICally ChangIng networks (NICCI) |
2016-2022 |
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Gerhard P. Fettweis (TU Dresden) |
Networked Collaborative Multi-Agent Cyber-Physical Systems |
2019-2022 |
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Sandra Hirche (TU Muenchen), Wolfgang Kellerer (TU Muenchen) |
Optimal Co-Design of Wireless Resource Management and Multi-Loop Networked Control |
2016-2022 |
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Antonello Monti (RWTH Aachen), Klaus Wehrle (RWTH Aachen) |
REDeFiNE - REflex-based Distributed Frequency control for power NEtworks |
2019-2022 |
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Sandra Hirche (TU Muenchen), Klaus Wehrle (RWTH Aachen) |
REFLEXES - A Co-Designed Architecture for In-Network Control |
2016-2022 |
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Sandra Hirche (TU Muenchen), Klaus Wehrle (RWTH Aachen) |
(Coordination Funds) |
2016-2022 |
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